Tuesday, April 7, 2015

WVU Redshirt-Senior Defensive Lineman Kyle Rose Arrested, Tased Over the Weekend for Incident at Local Bar

Whenever West Virginia defensive lineman Kyle Rose has to talk to Dana Holgorsen for behavior that resulted in him getting tased by local police and arrested it is not going to be a pretty conversation. He screwed up pretty big.

You can't fault the cops for tasing him. Here they had a 6'4" 295 pound drunk guy that was being uncooperative and shoving other patrons around. They asked him to stop, but he refused and continued shoving folks around.

via Twitter
Police tried to take him in to custody, but he refused to cooperate. An officer took him down, but when he refused to quit struggling he was warned he would be tased. He continued to struggle so they followed through on the threat.
“Officers grabbed him and attempted to place him into custody,” Officer C. D. Webster wrote in his report. “Mr. Rose was given several commands to stop resisting and he refused. Mr. Rose then struck [Officer K.] Murphey in the forehead and Mr. Rose was taken to the floor.
“While on the floor, Mr. Rose continued to resist, and I told him that he would be tased if he did not stop resisting. After giving several more commands to stop resisting he was tased. Once the Taser was deployed, Mr. Rose became compliant and was placed into handcuffs without resistance.”
Rose was booked on a collection of misdemeanor charges of public intoxication, disorderly conduct, obstructing an officer, and striking an officer. He had been told to leave the bar earlier in the night, but had returned and shoved his way in.


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1 comment:

  1. Good bye Kyle. You could have been great this year. Must have been a little short on brains.
