Monday, May 25, 2015

Cam Newton a Little Full of Himself or Just Confident?

To be a quarterback in the NFL you have to be a pretty confident person so it is probably safe to say that Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton is a confident guy. If he wasn't the team would probably have a hard time following him in to action. However, there is a difference between being confident and arrogant.

So--which one is he?

via @SBNationGIF
In a recent interview with a local television reporter Newton was asked if he agreed with the following statement: "You have been called the NFL's greatest talent as well as the NFL's greatest unknown. Do you agree with that?"

Newton's answer is one that fans will say is just him being the confident leader the team needs him to e while others will likely think he is being arrogant as hell:
 "Absolutely not. And I say this with the most humility, but I don't think nobody has ever been who I'm trying to be. Nobody has the size, nobody has the speed, nobody has the arm strength, nobody had the intangibles that I've had...."
Wow. Sounds like he has a pretty  high opinion of himself. He is a unique player and a very good one at that, but he hasn't exactly accomplished a whole lot just yet.

From the rest of his comment it sounds like the reporter reacted pretty strongly so he tried to qualify his statement:
"...I'm not saying that to say I'm a one-on-one type of person that this league will never see another. No, I'm not saying that. Hear me out. I'm just saying that so much of my talents have not been seen in one person." 

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