Thursday, May 21, 2015

Nick Saban Has High Praise For Dallas Cowboys Head Coach Jason Garrett

Nick Saban may not have been a very good NFL head coach, but the man is arguably the best college coach of the modern era. Many of his assistants have gone on to bigger and better things as have many of his players. So if he offers an opinion about someone his thoughts should definitely be listened to.

Recently he talked about Dallas Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett and what he thought when he hired him back in 2005.

Garrett finished playing in 2004 and looked to jump right in to coaching the following year. Saban ended up interviewing him and hiring him to be his quarterback coach for the Miami Dolphins even though he thought the idea was crazy.
“Scott Linehan and all the other offensive coaches who had coached in the league … they all knew Jason, and they said, ‘You’ve got to interview Jason Garrett,’” Saban said, according to “I said, ‘The guy’s never even coached. How can you recommend him for a coaching job?’
“And I interviewed him, and he was by far the best candidate. And I said that even after a year — after his first year of being a coach — I really considered him to promote him to [offensive] coordinator and call the plays because he was that good a coach that quickly because he’s a very bright guy and really could relate well with the players.”
Linehan ended up leaving to coach the Rams after the '05 season. Rather than promote Garrett he ended up giving the offensive coordinator job to Mike Mularkey instead. Saban has called not giving the job to Garrett the one mistake he made as a pro coach.

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