Saturday, September 5, 2015

Michigan Fans Tip Server In Utah $3000 On $500 Bill [PHOTO]

When you wait table you love to wait on a group of fans from the winning team. They are typically happy, want to drink a little more, and are more likely to tip well because they are in such a good mood (and drunk). Waiting on a group of people that flew in to watch the game only to see their team lose--not as much fun (or profitable).

However, for one server at an establishment in Utah waiting on some folks from Michigan that had flown in to watch their team play Utah ended up being a pretty incredible experience.

Bourbon House FB
Breanne Snow waited on a group of folks wearing Michigan attire Thursday night. When someone covered their tab--which was around $500--they tipped her $3000.

“After working so hard to get just a great payoff from it just really touched me, and I really am grateful,” Snow said.

It's something the group has been doing for a few years now. Google "Tips for Jesus" and a number of stories pop up of large tips being left with @tipsforjesus written on the receipt. The group likes to take pictures of the server with the receipt and post them to an Instagram account.

In the past someone has received an $11,000 tip.

A photo posted by tipsforjesus (@tipsforjesus) on

[Salt Lake Tribune]

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