Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Crazy Colts Fan - Talk is Cheap in the NFL and the Paralympics Unless You Back it Up

If it wasn't for guys that like to talk in the NFL than there would not be much for guys like me to write about during the off-season. We would all be stuck coming up with the top then this or the best of that. While those post are good and fine there are so many of them out there and they are so objective I ted to find most of them kind of dull (and repetitive).

So it does help to have these yahoos run their mouths and give them something to talk about. Entertaining? Usually, but more often than not it ends up being just talk. Guys claim they are going to do this, that, and the other thing and more often than not they don't.

Whatever happened to man-ing up and doing what you say you are going to do? I understand that circumstances (i.e. a poor offensive line, change in philosophy, etc.) can alter that, but still--the talk gets old.

Back it up or here's a novel concept--shut up and play.

Now if you are going to back it than that is fine. Take paralympian Blake Leeper. Born without legs below his knees he could have easily gone through life without pushing the envelope. No one would have expected him to given his disability. He opted to take a different path...

...to read more follow this link to the CrazyColtsFan!

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