Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Notre Dame's Trick Shot Monday is Back!

More and more each season we see how college football is becoming big business with millions of dollars on the line with every game. One loss can mean millions won by heading to a big bowl game or just thousands for one of the lower ties games.

Which makes it even better when  you see things that show us that at least the kids still realize they are playing a game that is supposed to be fun; things like Notre Dame's Trick Shot Monday!

The rules are simple. It's just like playing glorified beer pong minus the beer. There is a pin pong ball and a little red cup. The ball has to go in the cup, but it has to be done in a crazy, silly, outlandish sort of way. You can hit with your head, bounce it off the walls (or other people)--whatever it takes, but it has to be unique.

Here is the most important part--when someone makes it you have to celebrate like you won the national championship and the lottery all in the same day.

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