Thursday, November 7, 2013

Boris Diaw and Patrick Mills Giving San Antonio a Much Needed Boost

The Spurs’ offense is looking good as usual, especially because the team is getting a boost from two unlikely players.

Boris Diaw and Patrick Mills

The San Antonio Spurs have had a steady start to the NBA season, four games in and they are so far looking dominant. The offense looks as good as ever and the defense has improved as well. Players like Tiago Splitter and Aron Baynes are really helping the team defend the paint.

On the offensive side the team is sharing the ball at an amazing rate, causing players like Boris Diaw and Patty Mills to shine early on. Boris Diaw, who has been a hustle guy for the Spurs the past couple of years, has really been aggressive offensively so far this season. He isn’t hesitating to shoot the three or to even drive the basketball, which is a big change from last season.... read the full post and more from David Rountree follow the link to MVPTexas!

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