Thursday, November 7, 2013

What is the Ohio State Band Going to Do Next? Here are Some Ideas...

As a former football player I have had no real love for bands. I have always treated half time as an opportunity to go to the bathroom fix some more snacks (not to mention grab another beer or two). However, after seeing what the Ohio State band can do the last couple weeks I have to admit I am a convert.

With the amazing things these guys are doing how can you not watch?

They've moon walked, become a T-Rex, created and then sunk a battle ship, Superman...what's next? With Ohio State's last home game coming up in a couple weeks (Indiana, 11/23) they have time to be working on something fantastic. Since it's the last home game of the season you have to think they will be looking to go out with a bang.

Just in case they haven't come up with a fitting finale yet (unless they do their thing for the Big 10 Championship and/or bowl game; than its just another game) here are a few ideas:

  1. The Gangnam style dance

2. Twerking

3. The Pacific Rim robots

4. Johnny  Manziel's money sign

5. Dikembe Mutombo's finger wag

6. The Pee Wee Herman Dance

7. Jazz hands

8. Whatever it is T.Y. Hilton is doing here

And my personal favorite...9. The Carlton!


What do you say OSU? See anything you like (Carlton! Carlton!)?

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