Thursday, January 9, 2014

Jerry Jones Needs to Rehire Wade Phillips (yes, I’m serious)

Jerry Jones appears to be standing by his coaches this off-season, but if he really wants to win he’ll swallow his pride and do what’s needed.

When people talk about the ‘Big D’ they are referring to defense, divorce, or Dallas. Last season the Dallas Cowboys seemed to have been divorced from the idea of having a good defense—which really kind of takes the big out of the D in Dallas.

So how can the team get it back? Well—it’s a crazy idea; one some will scoff at and call stupid, but if you think about it long enough you’ll start to believe it.

Jerry Jones needs to fire Monte Kiffin and rehire Wade Phillips--as the defensive coordinator.

Kiffin was one of the greatest defensive minds in the NFL at one time, but last season proved that time is long one. To call the Cowboys defense bad would be a compliment. In some respects you can blame injuries, over-rated players, and others not playing their best, but in the end it all falls on the defensive coordinator to field a good unit despite any issues.

Monte couldn’t do it—but Wade Phillips has made a practice of it..... read the full post follow the link to MVPTexas!

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