Thursday, January 9, 2014

Notre Dame: We Must Protect This House...Like a Champion Today!

When Under Armour first came out I can remember thinking, "Man! This is the most comfortable shirt ever created!" When they started printing slogans on them I had to be all my favorite colors all over again. I can only imagine how Under Armous gear is for football players and other sports.

It looks like Notre Dame athletes and fans are going to find out though!

The university announced Thursday that they will be ditching Adidas and going with Under Armour next season for all sports. Under Armour is on the forefront of cool as well as the most comfortable things created, and will definitely help promote the already popular Fighting Irish brand to even bigger heights.

Fans are already taking to Twitter with some possible slogans UA might use:

Don't know if the last one will work, but the others might.

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