Thursday, June 5, 2014

Former Giants Safety Will Hill Trashed Rental Home; Playing for Arena League Team Again

It's a shame when a player can't kick whatever habit he has in order to take advantage of the opportunity to play in the NFL. Such is the case with former New York Giants safety Will Hill who was cut after being suspended a third time for violating the NFL's drug policy. He's just 24 making it pretty clear where his priorities are.

They certainly were not with taking care of business on the field, and it now seems that they were not with taking care of things at home either.

It appears that Hill had been renting a home from Jameelah Wiliams. From the sound of things he didn't just trash the home--he absolutely destroyed it.

From Pix11:
Jameelah says everything in the house was new before Hill moved in. But she says the former Giants defensive back made a dogs breakfast out of her family’s property. Indoor paintball games on the new hardwood floors. Maggot infestations, holes in the walls, dog feces from his four pit bulls and dirty bathtubs.
Combined with lost income the total damages are estimated at $15,000--but it gets worse. Hill had a chance to get out of the mess and settle for a paltry $2500, but after agreeing to pay it he backed out of the deal.

He has yet to pay for a thing, and his agents were just as worthless as he was.

She's not the only one being cheated by Hill. At least one business associate claims he owes money, and he was arrested last year for not paying child support.

Hill was not drafted coming out of college. You would think that would make him really appreciate the opportunity, but instead it seems that he blew the hundreds of thousands he made in his two seasons.

For now it appears that he is playing for the Arizona Rattlers of he Arena Football League. He had signed with them after not getting drafted so there is an existing relationship, but with his track record you have to wonder why any organization would want him around.

[Pix11, PFT]

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