Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Places a Call to the 'New SOD' Tim Howard

Normally when you hear about political figures calling up athletes after a game it is because the athlete's team won the championship. In the case of Tim Howard--goalkeeper of the USMNT--that is not the case, but the circumstances surrounding his call--World Cup record 16 saves--were still pretty remarkable.

Enough so that he has been dubbed the unofficial Secretary of Defense (according to Wikipedia at least), and got him a call from the actual one.

It seems that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel placed a call to Howard Wednesday morning to congratulate him on a job well done and to acknowledge the joke floating around the internet (via an official statement from the Pentagon):
“Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel called U.S. Men’s National Team goalkeeper Tim Howard to thank him for defending the United States of America at the World Cup. Secretary Hagel congratulated Howard on his record-breaking game and a great run in Brazil. He invited Howard and the entire team to come to the Pentagon later this year. He told Howard that with some training, he could someday become the real secretary of defense.”
Call me crazy, but I think that may be a cooler visit than going to the White House.



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