Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A.J. McCarron Apologizes for Leadership Comments...But Not for Blasting Nick Saban

You would think that after his time at Alabama and the relative quiet he's enjoyed these last few months that A.J. McCarron would have learned not to talk to the media. That would be kind of hard as an NFL player though, but he could keep any negative comments to himself. So what if he's just giving his honest opinion about something. No matter what he is going to get ripped for it.

Like he was for saying Alabama is lacking in leadership right now and should be for what he said about Nick Saban.


In a nut shell what McCarron did was say that the team was in need of leadership; that it didn't have any. He later backtracked from that comment, admitted he misspoke, said he meant vocal leadership, and blamed the media for making his initial comments an issue.

To his credit he did say that the defense had leaders, but this is what he said about the offense (via
"But they have to find that leader on offense, I don't know if that's Austin Shepherdor, with Ryan (Kelly) being out, somebody needs to establish that. Blake needs to step up and do it. It's going to be a tough road."
So maybe he didn't directly say that there is no leadership on offense, but it's not hard to see how it has been implied.

What is interesting about the whole mess is that his comments about Nick Saban have not gotten much attention:
"I don't know if that's Lane doing that or if coach Saban is kind of putting the handcuffs on Lane like I've known Coach to do in the past on his offensive coordinator and we're going to be very bland and run this play and do this and we'll throw it on third down if we have to,..."
Saban made McCarron who he is. That bland formula has been pretty successful over the years and certainly helped McCarron get to where he is today. To make Saban sound like a control freak is not a great way to repay him for all that he's done.

If McCarron wants to apologize for anything it should be for saying that.


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