Saturday, December 27, 2014

What Johnny Manziel Could Have Said to Curt Schilling...But the Fans Did Instead

Former pitching great Curt Schilling did a very curious thing late on Christmas Eve that most of the football loving world has probably seen by now--he trashed Johnny Manziel. No one knows why he felt the need to do so at that hour on Christmas Eve, but he did.

Just about every site on the internet has posted something about it, but have they posted Johnny's response?

via Reddit

Well--no, but that's because Johnny has not bothered to respond to it. Over the last couple of years the kid has been hit with so much crap by so many different people it's probably white noise to him by now.

Johnny's matured anyway. A couple of years ago he would have responded with some crack about Schilling's failed video game company or something, but instead he has done the right thing. He's taken the high road.

But that doesn't mean the fans have to.

Here is Schilling's original tweet:

Here is a sample of the many responses he got; the relatively clean ones that is:

Merry Christmas Curt. I hope all the negative press did you some good.

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