Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Indianapolis Colts Owner Jim Irsay Proposes Greatest Potential Rule Change Ever

At one time Jim Irsay's twitter account was must see internet fodder. The man's every tweet was entertaining as can be either because it was flat out funny or because it was so cryptic what he was actually saying was debatable. Ever since his arrest that has not been the case. The crazy has not been online all that much, but if a rule proposal is any indication it is alive and well in the real world.

The man has suggested the NFL adopt a nine-point touchdown rule.

via Twitter
Should the league actually adopt it teams will be able to go for a PAT after a two-point conversion:

I would like to say that it would never happen, but the league has talked about trying to find ways to make the game more exciting for years. If they are serious about that this would certainly be one way to do it.

Of course it helps that the Colts have a guy that goes by Boomstick on the roster...

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