Monday, September 21, 2015

Dallas Cowboys Kicker Dan Bailey Tries To Explain What Happened With DeMarco Murray [VIDEO]

During a crucial part of Sunday's game against the Philadelphia Eagles Dallas Cowboys kicker Dan Bailey made an incredibly stupid mistake. After DeMarco Murray ran out of bounds and into Bailey he reached out and grabbed Murray by the arm; hard enough to stop him from returning to the field. Murray turned, jerked his arm free, and threw the ball at Bailey before trotting off.

A ref was standing right there and flagged Bailey for unsportsmanlike conduct (guys not on the field can't touch guys that are playing). The fifteen yards ended up not being a big deal since the Eagles didn't score on that possession--but that doesn't matter.

Why on Earth would he do something so stupid? According to what the Dallas Morning News is reporting, Bailey says he was just trying to steady himself by grabbing Murray's arm after Murray
barreled into him on the sideline. Murray jerked his arm back and for some stupid reason Bailey didn't let go.
"DeMarco is competitor," Bailey said. "We just happened to come together at the same place after he made a great play. He kind of gained a few extra yards there, I think he was just fired up. Unexpected, but it's one of those things where it happens. It's part of the game. Guys get a little carried away with the emotion of the game sometime. I'll just try not to do that again."
I'm going to go ahead and say it--BS.

From the clip, it does not appear that Murray hit him with much force at all. He does appear to be knocked back sightly, but why he couldn't simply take a step back to right himself rather than grab Murray is a mystery.

Chances are this is the best story the Cowboys brass could come up with so they told Bailey to run with it.

So--why did he do it? I have no idea. It was likely just something stupid and impulsive that he did without thinking. Later in the game when Nelson Agholor ran out of bounds near him he was smart enough to move and put his arms up.

via Cowboys247

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